first off let me introduce myself.. HI im kim, i live in the north island of Aotearoa (NZ).... im a 22 yr old solo mother(long story ill tell u later), am of maori and english decent and according to womans day magazine (horoscope section) i am a scorpio..... For those of u who have heard that scorpios sting, and are nasty preditors, its absolutely true.... I have the tendency to moan and bitch alot, and dont even try to piss me off cause im vengeful and always have the last say, lol, nah thats just me on a bad also one of the nicest people u will ever meet honest.... but ill leave that up to u too decide.... As i am quite a private person, i find myslef brimming with thorts and feelings therefore feel the need to start this whole blogging thing... plus one of my girlfriends has been bugging me to write a book about our lives, as it is a bit of a soap opera at the moment.... so im treating this like a bit of a dairy, half of it is going to sound real fucked up, cause at least half of the time i am fucked up.... i will give u my thorts and opinions on life, and generally do alot of moaning too.... i will also telll u alot about my friends and there personal lives.... First of all theres Charlize 21yrs and a capricorn, shes my best mate (more about her later) then theres aria, 22yrs and a virgo and last but not least theres mya 21yrs and shes a pisces.... now let it be known these girls are my best friends and the ones i turn too when im down, and visa versa... we have been together (a group) since we were 14 yrs old and attending highschool... during the post highschool years we have all pretty much done our own things study, work, motherhood ect... but have still kept in touch.... some times i thort we were going to go our seperate ways but then after a month of not talking or seeing eachother a phone call out of the blue from one of my girls reassured us of our still constant presence in one anothers lives..... LATELY tho, we have been seeing so much of eachother due to the fact that 3 out of 4 girls are fucked up, and who better to cry too but your best friends who are just as fucked up as u are ...... and so our journey continues.........
Pease i welcome constructive criticism.... im not a writer and new at this whole blogging thing.....
cheers kim
MENTAL NOTE TO MYSELF: learn new words consisting of more than 2 syllobals.....
MENTAL NOTE 2: learn to spell syllobal....